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Welcome to the AACC!

The Alberta Association of Career Colleges (AACC) is one of a Canadian network of provincial associations which provide membership services and benefits to private Career Colleges across Canada. The Association consists of member post-secondary institutions with a wide variety of programs offered in Alberta.

The Alberta Association of Career Colleges expands opportunities to provide quality private post-secondary education by fostering cooperative working relationships with industry and government regulatory bodies and increasing public and industry awareness of the quality of private post-secondary institutions and the programs members provide.



➤ Mailing address

Alberta Association of Career Colleges
PO Box 34155
126 Kingsway Garden
Edmonton AB T5G 3G4

☎ CONTACT the aacc chair

  • Over 62,000 students enrolled in licensed programs at private career colleges last year
    — Graduate Outcomes & Employment Success Surveys for the PVT Institutions
  • 216 private career colleges offer about 1100 licensed programs throughout Alberta
    — Graduate Outcomes & Employment Success Surveys for the PVT Institutions
  • 87% of licensed private career college graduates found jobs in 2019-20
    — Graduate Outcomes & Employment Success Surveys for the PVT Institutions
  • 85% of students were satisfied with the Quality of Teaching
    — Graduate Outcomes & Employment Success Surveys for the PVT Institutions
  • 82% of students were satisfied with the Quality of the student’s Program
    — Graduate Outcomes & Employment Success Surveys for the PVT Institutions
  • 83% of students were satisfied with the Quality of the Education Experience
    — Graduate Outcomes & Employment Success Surveys for the PVT Institutions